Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Regular readers will have noted the lack of postings lately. The faux carioca is reaching the end of her language and culture program so she has been very busy. In the next week she will try to get you caught up on the following:
  1. Oral tradition in Brazil and what this means for public transportation.
  2. Hillbilly month in Brazil (June).
  3. Capoeira as a butch form of dance.
  4. Her fresh-juice-a-day mission.
For now she will offer the following updates:
  • The ankle is on the mend, but the faux carioca is still gimping around. A few days with absolutely no walking--being carried on a litter would be appropriate--would expedite her recovery, but this simply cannot be accomplished.
  • Research at the Carmen Miranda Museum has been going well, but won't be complete by the time she returns to the U.S. (Has the faux carioca told you lately how incredibly helpful the museum staff are?) Interviews are on the horizon for sometime between July 1 and July 15.
  • The movie "Control" has beautiful cinematography.
  • Oddly enough, drag shows in Rio seem to start on time. This was bad news that the faux carioca recently received when she was functioning on Brazilian time and had planned to catch a show of impersonators singing songs from various divas including, she had hoped, Carmen Miranda.
  • Of the 10 students in her program, the faux carioca and one other person (the guy she kicked in the head--the faux carioca's magic is contagious!) are the only people who have not been robbed, had a knife held to their throat, identity stolen, etc.
  • Last week was Fashion Week in São Paulo and bloomers made their appearance again. The pendulum of fashion has a tendency to swing from one extreme to the other. The thong, Brazilian freaks and the faux carioca agree, is better left in the bedroom. The faux carioca wouldn't dream of denying anyone the right to sport a filo de dental (dental floss), but she must confess that she is a bloomer radical for all occasions. Sexy and comfortable!
Tchau gente!

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